
Plug the Computrainer and install the free ctnet software on a computer of your local area network : your Computrainer is now Wifi!

Download your version


Launch software


Just launch the lightweight ctnet software from Racer Mate. On Linux or Mac, don't forget to add execution rights by doing a chmod +x ctnet

Edit the setup file


a ctnet.ini is created in the same folder.
You can edit the values to suit your needs :

debug=false //set this value to true if you want the software to return more details

broadcast port=9073 //the port used to broadcast the server port and IP. You should most probably not change this value.

server port=9072 //the port used to communicate with the clients.


ip discovery=true //turn to false if you don't want the ctnet to broadcast where it is running

serial port = //by default, it will try to detect it but you can force it with, for example, /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM14 on Windows

Connect Computrainer with your smartphone or tablet

1st solution : Auto discovery

Don't bother about anything, just click "Search" and Kinomap should find it.

2nd solution : Host and Port

If you haven't activated the auto discovery system in the ctnet software or convenient if you have several Computrainers available.